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Pinewood Derby!

This past weekend, our troop had the opportunity to support our Charter’s Cub Scout troop Pinewood Derby race! It was a beatiful day to have an outdoor race, and it was very nice to see all the families gathered for the competition.

Chess Merit Badge

Thank you Mr.Pierson for helping the Scouts work on a passion for Chess!

Ice Climbing

The troop camped and did some high adventure ice climbing at Camp Alexander with Front Range climbing!

Welcome Crossovers!

Welcome to the new Pack 548 Crossovers! We are honored to have 9 young Scouts join Troop 537 this year. The 3 patrols are now Rattlesnake, Scropion, and Zombie patrol. We are looking forward to many adventures with you all!


Scouts testing out a new propane fire pit at our weekly meeting by making some S’Mores. The troop is working up to a busy weekend – we have a sub-zero campout and ice climing ahead followed by Scout Sunday in support of our Charter!

Ice Fishing

It was a great weekend for ice fishing on Evergreen Lake!

Night Hike

Our annual night hike on Green Mountain was amazing as usual. This year we invited some Webelos to join us and made the trek with about 30 Scouts and Scouters. As tradition dictates, cookies and hot chocolate were served afterward.

Bear Creek Camping

We fit in a Bear Creek Lake Park camping trip on a last minute adventure. It’s been great to be able to get some outside time. Thank you to Eagle Scout alum Colby for cooking steak for the adults!

Spaghetti Towers!

As part of our science block, we did a spaghetti tower challenge – the tallest tower built with just spaghetti and marshmallows wins.

Science & Tech Month

Our Science and Technology month kicked off with our annual Egg Drop competition. However, this week, we are taking a break from our normal meetings to have a Court of Honor to recognize the achievement of the Scouts.

© 2025 Troop and Crew 537 - Denver Area Council, Alpine District - Lakewood, CO - Boy Scouts of America | Privacy Policy | Troop Admin
© 2025 Troop and Crew 537 - Denver Area Council, Alpine District - Lakewood, CO - Boy Scouts of America - Privacy Policy
Troop Admin